Rommel Roberts, Seeds of Peace. Stories of silent Heroes and Heroines in South Africa
“In South Africa, the struggle for freedom was won largely through non-violent means – 95% of the struggle was non-violent. The non-violent foundations laid in the preceding years are, I believe, what made our peaceful transition to democracy possible in 1994”.
Rommel Roberts’ words express his conviction which was underlying all his efforts as an activist opposing the apartheid regime in South Africa.
In his book ‘Seeds of Peace’ Rommel Roberts wants to focus on ordinary people who with their courage and commitment have achieved a change in South African conditions but have never been recognised and acknowledged.
In all his stories of brave women and men and in all forms of protest and human rights activities in which Rommel Roberts played a key role this incredible spirit of non-violence was prevalent and finally successful.
About the Author
Rommel Roberts was born in Durban in 1949. After studying Theology and Philosophy he lived in Cape Town and began his social and political work. During his human rights activities from 1973-1990 and work with Desmond Tutu he led campaigns, initiated many anti-apartheid actions, either formed or helped to form organisations mostly in Cape Town in a bid to set up networks of support, locally, nationally and abroad. During his opposition against the apartheid system he experienced several encounters with security police including imprisonment.
In the post freed Mandela era after 1990 Roberts helped to build up organisational and leadership capacity whilst advancing the cause of social and economic development strategies. During this time he assisted in the historic South African elections.
Rommel Roberts (r.) in conversation with Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu (m.)
His commitment to peace activism and speaking truth to power continues unabated until this day. Roberts currently lives with his wife Robin in a small rural village in the Eastern Cape where they oversee many projects and programmes.
See: hilltop-centre.org
Interview with Rommel Roberts about his Anti-Apartheid fight on Swiss Radio
Exactly 20 years ago the first truly free elections took place in South Africa. Apartheid was finally overcome. The South African freedom fighter Rommel Roberts looks back on turbulent times in perspective.
Rommel Roberts pays tribute to the silent heroes and heroines of South Africa in his memoir book now published in German. This also includes many church people. Rommel Roberts himself was active in the resistance against the apartheid regime. It was particularly important to him to always act non-violently.
The fact that the revolution in South Africa took place comparatively peacefully was especially due to church representatives like Bishop Desmond Tutu.